A Religion of Devotion & Schemes 3

A side story from “In The Ashes of Forgiveness”

Harrys Stratigakis
7 min readAug 20, 2022
Photo by Hans Maeckelberghe on Unsplash

The hours passed by and the afternoon’s presence caused the sun’s light to slowly back off. Since it was amidst February, the moon was very impatient in getting a front-row seat at the sky’s theatrical plays.

Allnatt grouped with Ridwan, as well as all the followers that had to take part in the evening affair, and were now ready to begin. Since the marketplace had quieted down a bit, it was the perfect time for them to initiate their preaches.

This way, they would get enough attention to themselves, but also the surrounding people wouldn't get distracted from all the booths that housed various products with incredible smells that would attack their unarmed nostrils.

Their grandstand was ready, Allnatt had prepared his speech to grab the attention of the crowds, all the followers were informed and ready, and everyone including Sathar and Ridwan was in position.

“So, shall we make this our new home, your highness?”, Ridwan whispered to Allnatt as they both gazed at the mass below them like a child waiting to feast upon his favorite candy.

“Yes, Ridwan, yes…If everything is set, I will begin shortly.”, Allnat replied in a baritone voice, “So, the last thing that it’s left is for…



Harrys Stratigakis

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