As Steep Is The Canyon, So Is The Truth 4

A side story from “In The Ashes of Forgiveness”

Harrys Stratigakis
7 min readOct 29, 2022
You can find me on Twitter & Ko-fi for more information & additional material!

The grass was wet from the humidity that covered the place like a minor haze due to the Fen river passing by nearby Wiona. It was past midnight and Auriel was sitting in the soft tall grass with a gentle breeze caressing her body as a mother does to a child.

Suddenly, a light voice approached Auriel’s figure from behind.

“Couldn’t sleep either eh? How are you holding up with all of this?”

“Zan. I can say the same to you. But, for your question, I manage. I can’t say I care enough to be bothered much by how my country handles things besides feeling sorry about Sherice. Nevertheless, I also ponder what I would do if I were in their shoes… Would I turn on a minority of innocent people to save the lives of thousands?”

Zan pointed with his finger at the grass next to Auriel asking her for permission to sit next to her. Auriel then extended her open right palm in a way indicating she allowed him to do so.

“I can’t sympathize with you 3 much, but I know that the further you go up in the chain of command, the crueler the decisions you have to take become. And that’s especially if you don’t care about others much. I mean, Ocoris higher-ups aren’t saints either… it’s just is…



Harrys Stratigakis

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